Easter Feasting – Crispy Lamb Gyros

The daffs are in full bloom and the glow from the occasionally shy sun is signalling the growing of the days. It feels like we are awakening from the hibernation of winter and all it threw at us this year. Easter is always a line in the sand to bring us out of the...

May at Hartley Farm: Embracing the Countryside and Family Fun Events!

The summer season is well and truly underway now at Hartley. Alfresco dining outside The Barn and ice creams outside the cabin are a daily occurrence now.  We are so lucky to be surrounded by the most beautiful countryside and a brief pitstop at Hartley before an...

Seasonal eating; better for you, better for your world

Hi there! For those who don't know me my name is Jess, and I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist based in the beautiful town of Bradford-On-Avon. I am passionate about food and produce and truly believe that nutrition can have a huge impact on health, both physically...


As we waved goodbye to the chill of January and February, our team has been deep in the throes of planning for the exciting year ahead. With spring peeking around the corner, we're thrilled to start bringing our visions to life. The feedback from our community survey...

From Our Pastures to Your Heart: A Valentine’s Day Ode to Healthier Choices

A love letter from our cows to your heart this Valentine’s Day.  Welcome to our February journal! This month's article has been kindly written for us by the lovely Jess Oldfield. If you're a farm shop regular, you will have met Jess in the farm shop usually on the...




It was hard to see past the doom and gloom of January. Another national lockdown, grey skies, storms, a flurry of snow and more than enough rain thank you very much. There is, however, a definite...

Christmas & New Year Opening Times

Christmas & New Year Opening Times

We're heading towards the end of quite a year here at Hartley and indeed for everyone. Thank you to everyone for your support through the year and for your Christmas orders. Our order book is now...

Christmas Orders Now Open!

Christmas Orders Now Open!

'Tis the Season Christmas will be a little different this year but rest assured our intentions remain the same, to bring people together over the best local and seasonal food. We are so proud and...



The Barn is now open! The Barn is now home for our farm kitchen. If we’ve learned one thing this year it is to stay nimble and not plan too far ahead! However, we knew that returning to the previous...



With beautiful misty mornings and woodsmoke hanging in the evening air, we’ve well and truly landed in autumn. Despite a mini-heatwave for a couple of weeks in this month, the nights are certainly...

Wild Blackberry Gin & Tonic

Wild Blackberry Gin & Tonic

As we move into harvest season, the biggest excitement on country walks is monitoring the progress of the hedgerows as the red dots mature into plump and juicy blackberries. This is the one time of...



August has brought with it searing, stifling heat to top off what has been an excellent summer, and we certainly needed it. Not just to put a spring in our step with all the doom and gloom of the...
