A Journal from my late Grandfather, Bert Bowles.

Our beloved parish magazine, The Winsley Weaver, is celebrating its 50th year of circulation this year. They have asked my father, Richard, to contribute an article on the changes to our farming landscape over these years. This request reminded me of a similar article...

The Return of the Brown Hare

Walking my mad spaniel, Bonnie, across the farm every day lets me notice how the year passes by on an almost micro, daily level. Right now, our walks are punctuated with impromptu cool-offs in the cattle troughs, but soon enough, autumn will set in, and a cool dip...

Easter Feasting – Crispy Lamb Gyros

The daffs are in full bloom and the glow from the occasionally shy sun is signalling the growing of the days. It feels like we are awakening from the hibernation of winter and all it threw at us this year. Easter is always a line in the sand to bring us out of the...


As we waved goodbye to the chill of January and February, our team has been deep in the throes of planning for the exciting year ahead. With spring peeking around the corner, we're thrilled to start bringing our visions to life. The feedback from our community survey...

From Our Pastures to Your Heart: A Valentine’s Day Ode to Healthier Choices

A love letter from our cows to your heart this Valentine’s Day.  Welcome to our February journal! This month's article has been kindly written for us by the lovely Jess Oldfield. If you're a farm shop regular, you will have met Jess in the farm shop usually on the...
The Return of the Brown Hare

The Return of the Brown Hare

Walking my mad spaniel, Bonnie, across the farm every day lets me notice how the year passes by on an almost micro, daily level. Right now, our walks are punctuated with impromptu cool-offs in the...



As we waved goodbye to the chill of January and February, our team has been deep in the throes of planning for the exciting year ahead. With spring peeking around the corner, we're thrilled to start...

Preparing for the Festive Season

Preparing for the Festive Season

As we venture into November, there's a buzz of excitement in the air at Hartley Farm as we gear up for the festive season. Christmas orders are in full swing, and we're passionately curating a...

Autumn Arrives

Autumn Arrives

As the calendar turns to September, there's a collective sigh of relief echoing through the air – we've once again navigated the ebbs and flows of summer holidays. Despite the few sunny September...

Happy Birthday To Us!

Happy Birthday To Us!

This month see us celebrate our 15th birthday! On a sunny Wednesday the 20th of August 2008, Hartley Farm opened the doors to the farm shop. A few second-hand fridges selling local meat, fruit and...

Embrace the Smoke this Summer!

Embrace the Smoke this Summer!

Here at Hartley, we love keeping things simple. Whether that be our supply chain, sourcing direct from local farmers and growers, or in the kitchen where we just let the ingredients do the talking....

We’re Winners!

We’re Winners!

Last week we were extremely proud to be crowned the Best Farm Restaurant in the U.K at the Farm Retail Association Awards. We were nominated alongside some hugely inspiring and well-known businesses...

Why Grass-Fed?

Why Grass-Fed?

At Hartley Farm, we are on a journey of following regenerative practices that allow us to produce delicious, wholesome food and positively impact our surroundings. One of the main activities on our...



I hope that the festive season gave everyone a nice rest and recuperation ready for the year ahead! Our focus at the farm for the next couple of months is all on healthy, wholesome food to warm our...

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